'Who's Ready?" The Rachael Ray Show Season 17 Campaign
Who doesn’t love a hype up song for a promotional campaign?! “Who’s Ready” by In Paradise spoke to us, and we knew from the first groovy beat this would make the perfect home base to build a campaign around. And talk about home bases, Season 17 would have not one, but two home bases! We filmed Rach twice, once in studio and once at home, announcing she would be working in a hybrid capacity much like some of our viewers in 2022/2023. We capitalized on our down home, or should we say, upstate home moments with some of our celebrity pals. When the one and only Dolly Parton comes at ya from her kitchen saying, “We love Rachael Ray,” you know we were squealing with joy and had to include that incredible moment. Our in-studio moments shined with amazing cooking, makeover and overall feel good moments. Our unique graphic look was inspired by the flow of the song and we wanted to highlight just how “good” Season 17 was going to be!