Rachael Ray in Ukraine
This was a big one. A heart-wrenching one. One that sticks with you long after you’ve closed your laptop for the day. The kind of promo where you are poring through every frame of footage, ensuring you picked just the right moments to convey the levity of this emotional and historic show. Rachael Ray in Ukraine. Our secret superhero cook, flying in for the first time with cameras to show the United States what was happening 9 months after war. We had to be so, so careful and sensitive when showing our unsung heroes of the show, the children Rach worked with and for. Despite the dire circumstances, we relied on Rach’s compassionate personality through shots of her cooking with kids and keeping high spirits despite not having power inside the orphanage. We wanted a newsy feel, so putting ABC World News Tonight anchor David Muir as our guest worked perfectly as an ender. We also had a call to action. Watch this episode and see how you can help the Ukrainian people. We are incredibly proud of this one.